Leuk the Duck, created by world-renowned Herald Sun cartoonist Mark Knight and Challenge CEO David Rogers, has become a beloved mascot for Challenge and the families we support. Through his many animated adventures, Leuk bravely navigates the ups and downs of life with cancer, bringing hope and understanding to young people facing similar challenges.
Leuk isn’t just a character – he’s a powerful source of inspiration, a friend, and a voice for those living with cancer. He shares their stories, champions their needs, and helps others understand the struggles young people face in their journey.
As an educator and companion, Leuk explains complex concepts in ways that children can relate to, from how different cancers develop to why doctors and nurses need to keep poking and prodding. Beyond that, Leuk reaches out to the broader community, raising vital awareness about childhood cancer and its impact on families.
Leuk is the friend every child with cancer needs, and he embodies the heart and spirit of the Challenge organisation.
If you’d like to support Challenge and help Leuk spread awareness, head to our shop and explore our Leuk merchandise. Every purchase makes a difference, with funds going directly back into Challenge to support children and families facing cancer every day.