Leuk the Duck was created by world-renowned Herald Sun cartoonist Mark Knight as a mascot for Challenge and the families we support. Leuk’s many animated adventures saw him navigate his way through the trials and tribulations of life with cancer.
Through his understanding of the struggles faced by young people living with cancer, Leuk quickly became a powerful figure and source of inspiration to Challenge families – someone to tell their story and champion their needs.
Leuk is not only a friend, but an educator too. He explains how different cancers develop and clarifies why the doctors and nurses continue to prod and poke. Leuk also extends his knowledge to the broader community, helping raise awareness of childhood cancer and its impact on a family.
Leuk is the friend every child living with cancer needs and is the spirit of our organisation.
If you would like to support Challenge and help Leuk by raising important awareness, Leuk merchandise is available to purchase through our shop. Funds raised from all purchases go straight back into Challenge and help us provide daily support to children and families living with cancer.