News: 1 September 2021
Today is the first day of September, which also marks the first day of International Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
To honour this and help raise awareness, we are asking FIGHTERS, SURVIVORS, and SUPPORTERS to tie a yellow ribbon to your mailbox, front door, car, dog’s collar, or maybe even your mask – just anywhere it will be noticed!
We have expanded on our #TieARibbonForChallenge campaign this year and you can now select a ribbon with either of the following words: Supporter, Fighter or Survivor.
To join the cause and tie a ribbon, simply visit the link at the bottom of this page.
Tie your ribbon and share your photos with us by tagging @challengecancer and using the hashtag #TieARibbonForChallenge.
This is a campaign we hold close to our hearts in our continued efforts to make sure no family walks through a child’s cancer diagnosis alone, without important emotional and practical support. #InternationalChildhoodCancerAwarenessMonth