Ages: All Ages

Williamstown Boat Day

For more than two decades, Williamstown Boat Day has annually called upon Challenge’s finest pirates to join its crew and set sail to find the chest of hidden treasure and its everlasting riches.

It is one of the best family days of the year; the one that calls on all of Challenge’s finest comrades to set sail on an adventure like no other. You thought right, we’re talking about Williamstown Boat Day.

Williamstown Boat Day has been a staple on the Challenge calendar for more than 20 years!

The day sees hundreds of Challengers come together on Port Phillip Bay, all showing up ready to weigh the anchor and set sail to the stirring waters that call upon us. On the shores, there is live music, face painting, various activities, and an abundance of delicious food. And on the waters, well, that’s where the fun begins!

Details regarding our next Williamstown Boat Day will be revealed closer to the date – stay tuned! If you have any other questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us at the button below.